Ilceos Team

The main wealth of our company lies in its human capital.

ILCEOS is made up of a multidisciplinary and versatile team of consultants with several years of experience in R&D and consulting in an industrial context in a wide field of technical expertise (cf. references pages for more detail).

All our consultants have a high-level initial training (Best Engineers, Business Schools and Universities in Europe) supplemented by experience in industry and in business consulting for several years (strategic watch, knowledge management, innovation financing mechanisms, setting up and management of collaborative R&D projects, etc.).

They have a solid practice of teamwork in the context of large international groups and benefit from continuous training guaranteeing the highest levels of certification in the exercise of their work.

Our Expertises


Remise en service de la plateforme de dépôt des premiers agréments du MESR

En coopération avec ses avocats partenaires, EPSA Innovation se tient informé des évolutions législatives et jurisprudentielles susceptibles d’avoir un impact sur son activité et celle de ses clients. Ces évolutions font l’objet d’une analyse approfondie par EPSA Innovation et ses avocats partenaires.       Depuis la fin de l’année 2022, il était impossible de faire…

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